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Making the Most of Tassomai - webinars for parents and Tassomai teachers

Tassomai’s founder Murray Morrison is running two training webinars on Thursday 28th January to support parents and teachers using Tassomai during lockdown.

Parents’ webinar:

The webinar for parents will talk parents through Tassomai features like the Tree and the parent dashboard. Parents can sign up via the link below:

Webinar for parents: Thursday 28th January, 12-1pm

Click to register for the webinar for parents

In this free webinar Murray will share his lockdown learning tips for homeschooling parents.

Murray will look at how parents can help their child get the most out of Tassomai. He will demonstrate how to use tools like the Tree to identify knowledge gaps and put together a sustainable, realistic study plan to help families through the next few weeks of lockdown.

There will also be an opportunity at the end for parents to ask Murray questions about Tassomai and about homeschooling in general.

Note this webinar is aimed primarily at parents whose children use Tassomai (either through their school or through a private subscription), but it is open to anyone who wants to learn more about using Tassomai to help with homeschooling during lockdown.

Teachers’ webinar:

The webinar for teachers is suitable for all Tassomai teachers and for those that are considering using the program. To register, follow the link below:

Webinar for teachers: Thursday 28th January, 4-5pm

In this free webinar Murray will take you through the Tassomai features that can help you manage remote learning during lockdown.

Click to register for the webinar for teachers

Key points covered will include:

  • What motivations will encourage teachers themselves to push the ‘good use’ of Tassomai

  • What motivations will drive students to use their Tassomai more

  • What messages should you give students to get them to use Tassomai most effectively

  • What benefits can schools expect to get from a concerted push of Tassomai

There will also be the opportunity for Q&A at the end and for participants to share their Tassomai tips.

This webinar is aimed primarily at teachers who are already using Tassomai in their schools, but it is open to any teachers who want to learn more about the program.