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How will Artificial Intelligence change the study of English literature and language?

This week Joanna, Tassomai’s Community Marketing Manager and an English literature graduate, shares her thoughts on how she thinks AI will impact how the subject is taught…

Artificial Intelligence is on the rise and with it there will be changes to how students study certain subjects and the careers that stem from them. This is particularly true of arts subjects, like English literature and language, but AI cannot entirely replicate or replace the human touch that the vast majority of jobs require, particularly those stemming from an English degree. 

There may be some teachers and parents who think that studying English will lead to unstable career options and graduates will struggle to find jobs that haven’t been replaced by chatbots and other forms of AI. We disagree with this assumption… 

What are the benefits of studying English?

There are numerous benefits to studying English literature and language, many of which extend beyond your academic or professional life. Studying English remains a vital and valuable part of the education system because of the communication and language skills that it teaches students. Understanding complex characters, diverse perspectives and thematic undertones gives us the skills to express ourselves clearly and comprehend others effectively. 

Creativity, critical thinking and empathy are skills that will still be valued in a range of industries for many years to come and cannot be replaced by a machine. 

Where could AI lead us?

It is more productive to think about the ways in which AI may help you to progress in your chosen field in the future. That isn’t to say you should ask ChatGPT to write your essays for you (you’ll find out pretty quickly that this will get you in trouble for plagiarism), but there may be ways that you can speed up research or tailor your search results better thanks to the help of AI. 

Meet Mai, Tassomai's new AI tutor

The use of AI will likely open up new opportunities for prompt writing, which is a great way for English graduates to expand their skills in the tech sector. 

You can find out more about the potential for AI prompt writing here.

The skills learned through studying English can complement technological advancements and enable individuals to adapt to changing professional landscapes. Machines may arm us with knowledge, but we are the ones who apply meaning, nuance and emotional and cultural significance.

How is AI relevant to Tassomai?

Our intelligent algorithm has always learnt about strengths and weaknesses as students engage with Tassomai content, but the latest developments in AI are enabling us to take things to another level.

Download the guide here!

We’ve been developing a number of exciting new features, which we are currently trialling with a handful of schools. To find out more about how we have incorporated AI into the Tassomai app and developed “Mai”, a personal tutor for every learner, click here.

More careers ideas for English students…

Engage and motivate English literature and language students for their GCSE studies with some career inspiration!

Download our free guide to ignite curiosity about the diverse career pathways available for English students.