Tassomai + Wonde = 🚀

Wonde Integration

What is Wonde?

Wonde is a service that allows schools and education providers to talk to each other, either reading or writing data to the school’s MIS. By handling the traffic, Wonde allows the school to stay in control of their data, while improving the quality of service they can obtain from their providers.

It is highly likely that your school already uses Wonde to integrate with other services and providers; if you’re one of the few schools who have not already installed Wonde, then it is a simple matter for them to set up for you. Wonde integration costs the school nothing - the education provider (in this case Tassomai) pays for the service.

Why integrate Tassomai with your MIS?

Following collaboration and research with teachers, we are taking these steps to respond to feedback and develop features that teachers need. Allowing Tassomai to integrate with your MIS allows us to develop enhanced functionality all designed to benefit you as a school and improve student outcomes. 

The main phase of our work is to introduce means, via this integration, of keeping your accounts and data clean to reduce teacher workload. This will include managing issues around misnamed or duplicate student accounts, and making sure they appear in the correct forms (and/or move forms as required). At a time of uncertainty, when we need to anticipate the possibility of rapid changes in student learning and setting requirements, we want to prepare the platform to support your needs without adding any administrative work to teachers.

Aside from data cleaning and management, we are able to add powerful new services too: once integrated with your MIS, we can set up detailed weekly attainment reports for parents. This means that they can get feedback from Tassomai on how their child is getting on, and where more work is needed. Improving communication and supporting parental engagement while reducing teacher workload is a key aim of ours to help support students and improve outcomes.

Later in the year, we will be able to work with schools to develop the ability to track Tassomai’s impact as compared to your independent assessments. We will also be able to conduct entire school set-ups and add new subjects instantly, saving the time taken by school staff to fill out setup forms.

Is it safe?

Integrating with Tassomai via Wonde is not only completely safe, it is a good deal more GDPR-compliant than existing systems. Tassomai would access no more PII than is currently given to us by schools, and having MIS integration allows us to further remove potentially duplicated or erroneous PII from our own systems.

We are always at pains to prevent teachers sending us data over email, but this still happens occasionally - MIS integration means no more exported data will be sent to us unsecurely and reduces the school’s risk of GDPR breach liability.

How do I get started?

Approving the link is straightforward and quick to take care of.

The first thing that would happen is that we would send a Wonde connection request to our main contact at the school and, where possible, the school’s data manager. You may already have received this, but if not, or you can’t locate the email notification from Wonde, we can resend the request. 

The email notification should contain a link to your school’s Wonde dashboard, where you will be presented with a list of the permissions we have requested in order to be able to provide the service. We have pared this list down so that it is a minimal set of permissions, and no more PII that we would already use is included. 

Once you are happy with those permissions, you can accept the connection. We shall receive our own notification, and then the connection is made. If you do not have Wonde installed on your system when we make the request, Wonde themselves will be in touch to advise on the process.

As the Data Controller, the school is always in control.

Tassomai was built with the express aim to support learners in their learning and practice, and to make life easier for teachers so that they could focus on their students’ needs. This is a big step towards making Tassomai easier to use, more powerful for teachers and more supportive of students and their families.