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How to help your child make the most of half term

As half term approaches, here are some ideas to share with your child about how to make the most of their school-free week. Although it’s time away from class, using this time wisely can help them to get ahead for the next term and set them up for the rest of the year, particularly if they’ve got mock exams coming up in November.

Here are a few tips to suggest…

Catch up

Whether that is catching up on coursework, doing a bit more revision, completing Daily Goals or getting a good night’s sleep, take this week to get any school admin done that has been on the to-do list.

Make a plan

A great way to feel confident when exams start, is to have a plan. Why not try helping your child to create one of the following:

  • A study plan: detailing what to study, when to start and how using Tassomai can help with it all. Break down subjects into manageable chunks and allocate specific time slots for each. This will help to maintain a balance between subjects, prevent last-minute cramming and reduce stress.

  • An exam plan: times and date of mock exams, what to take and any other details that can be organised before the day. 

Weakest subjects & topics

Ahead of Mock exams, find your child’s weakest subjects and topics by using their Tassomai Tree, which you can see on your Parent Dashboard. The best way to do this is by logging into your account and looking for any red or orange leaves on their Tree. These show the topics which need more focus. If you need any help with this or anything else then get in touch with us and we’ll be more than happy to help!

Track your progress

This time of year provides a great opportunity to set goals and intentions for where your child would like to be by the summer term. Use their Tassomai data to work out where to improve and then make a list of ‘problem areas’ to master over the coming months. 

Being able to cross things off this list will help them to feel on top of their revision and ready for the bigger exams ahead. You can both regularly review their progress, which will help them to stay on track and make necessary adjustments to their revision plan.

Live Lessons

We’re hosting two virtual lessons every week until the middle of November, ranging from the core subjects, through to history and even computer science. These are free to attend and free to sign up to here. If they miss any, or want to watch them back, then the most recent ones are available on our website.

And relax!

It’s great to use this time effectively but part of that is to also make sure to plan some downtime away from it all to relax and recharge. Help your child to plan to see friends, get outside for a walk or enjoy a hobby. A bit of time away can help with refocusing more when school starts again and  prevent burn out before the Christmas break.

Find more tips and interesting reading on our blog, including our new Teenage Mental Health Guide for parents.