Let us change the way you teach!

Try Tassomai in your school and wave goodbye to evenings and weekends spent setting and marking homework.

Join the 1000s of teachers who’ve discovered that Tassomai can do all this for them, and provide them with incredibly powerful insights to help target their teaching.


 “It is more than a learning tool. It reduces teacher workload, and individualises learning in an efficient way.

“The best part is that this software is not just a buy and use. It is given soul by the dedicated staff that are always enthusiastic and available to help.”

- Chris, Physics Teacher, Thomas Deacon Academy

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Help your students achieve mastery through retrieval practice

Tassomai is a self-setting, self-marking homework for KS3 and KS4, providing students with essential knowledge practice in a range of subjects including maths, English, science and more.

The software adapts for each individual learner, targeting their knowledge gaps and giving teachers and school leaders powerful data on engagement and activity.

  • Students take curriculum mapped, multiple choice quizzes (like flashcards), completing achievable Daily Goals in each of their subjects.

    With every interaction, Tassomai learns what a student understands and what they don't yet know, continually adapting content to prioritise topics where the student needs to focus their efforts.

    When the algorithm sees that they need help with a particular topic, students are invited to watch Tassomai tutorial videos or directed to relevant external resources.

    If students get stuck or need an incorrect answer explained to them they can ask Mai, an AI-powered tutor included in school packages.

  • Frequent low-stakes testing with instant feedback is proven to be the most effective way to embed and retain knowledge.

    Studies show people learn more when they work for concentrated, short bursts every day, frequently switching between topics and returning to them at strategically timed intervals. These techniques of interleaving and spaced repetition are central to Tassomai.

    Tassomai’s little and often approach to retrieval practice also boosts confidence and makes exams less stressful for students.

  • Research shows that students of all abilities improve in their knowledge recall with Tassomai, and improvement increases the more they use the software.

    Schools regularly report significant improvement in GCSE grades and Progress 8 scores, with many students achieving much higher grades than predicted.

    Implement it well and Tassomai can help to close any attainment gaps, making a big impact in just a few months.

Find out why teachers choose Tassomai

Our platform has been built in partnership with schools and we believe you’ll find there are big benefits to choosing Tassomai over our competitors.

  • Tassomai’s intuitive, user-friendly dashboard has been developed over 10+ years in collaboration with our users.

    The dashboard puts teachers in control, giving them detailed oversight on their students’ activity and the ability to manage settings and topics.

    We know that each school uses Tassomai differently, that’s why we’ve built a dashboard that’s flexible enough to suit all our school users.

  • Teachers love the amount of data they can access through Tassomai, but you don’t have to be a spreadsheet wizard to use our diagnostic tools.

    Features like The Understanding Grid and The Tree are incredibly intuitive and accessible.

    At a glance, teachers can spot knowledge gaps at an individual or whole class level, enabling them to rapidly target interventions.

  • Tassomai’s SLT dashboard and our data drops give senior leaders an up to date overview of usage across a school or MAT. At a glance, it’s easy to see how well classes have been completing their Daily Goals and where more encouragement might be needed.

    We help users to customise their view to fit with their own strategies and expectations, and every week, the data will update automatically.

    We believe our Data Drops are the most powerful means of implementation monitoring in the EdTech landscape!

    Read more about Data Drops

  • When schools use Tassomai, parents benefit too.

    We set up all parents and guardians with their own Parent Dashboards and send a weekly email update encouraging them to check in on progress. Through their dashboards, parents can see usage stats, recommended learning resources and their child’s Trees.

    Parents are also invited to join our Parent Club, which gives them various free benefits and the option to upgrade their child’s account by adding private subscriber features at a heavily discounted price.

    Read more about benefits for school parents

  • Tassomai’s platform for schools is continually evolving and we’ve always got new features in the pipeline, often developed in response to feedback from teachers.

    Some recent additions to the platform include Dark Mode (for students who prefer to do their Daily Goals at night), Text-to-Speech (to improve accessibility), printable PDF reports for teachers (containing actionable insights for each student) and Class Tasks, a new way to set focused homeworks for the whole class.

    We’ve also rolled out Pupil Premium Boost following a trial that showed this intervention boosted PP attainment by up to 45% !

 “The introduction of Tassomai at our school has been so much smoother and more well received than the introduction of other EdTech products we’ve used.

“Our teachers love the level of detail in the data they see.”

- Kate Myers, Director of Science, Holmleigh Park High School

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Book a demo


Put Tassomai to the test!

Teachers… book a 1-2-1 demo for yourself or your department. If you like what you see we’ll set your school up with a FREE 3 week trial.

We'll get back to you to organise a demo within 5 days.

  • When we receive your demo request we’ll come back to you to arrange a suitable time for a screenshare demo. We recommend allowing about 30 minutes. We’ll walk you through the Tassomai experience for learners and show you around the Teacher Dashboard. There will also be plenty of time for your questions.

    If you like what you see we can discuss next steps, that’s usually a 3-week trial, but sometimes schools just want to get up and running immediately. We’ll also work out a cost estimate for your school and give you anything you need to explain Tassomai to your SLT or colleagues in other departments.

  • Your school will have full access to Tassomai over the course of the trial. We’ll get your classes set up and provide support with implementation.

    All teachers using Tassomai will get a series of onboarding emails explaining how to make the most of Tassomai. You’ll also be provided with launch presentations and videos to introduce Tassomai to students and parents.

    You’ll have a dedicated Customer Success Manager to help you during, and after, the trial.

    We know edtech isn’t a silver bullet, and good results come from good implementation. Get this right and Tassomai can have an amazing impact!

  • Schools that use Tassomai for all students in years 7-11 pay no more than £5 per-student for two core-subjects (science, English or maths). Humanities and computer science can be added for a small additional fee.

    • Schools sign up for the duration of the academic year, the annual price per student is the same regardless of when the school starts using the program.

    • Various discounts apply for PiXL schools, MATS and more.

    • A maximum price of £15 per-student applies to schools buying for single year groups or selected students only.

    Schools that start Tassomai early in the academic year and use Tassomai across full cohorts and multiple year groups get the best value from their investment in the program and make the maximum possible impact on attainment.

  • Yes, we highly encourage MATs to trial Tassomai across each of their schools simultaneously. We can help you to track usage and we’ll provide weekly Data Drops, allowing you to hold MAT-wide competitions during your trial period.

    MAT-wide discounts are also available.

    Click here to download a PDF info sheet for MATs

Teacher working at a desktop computer

Meet the teachers

Don’t just take our word from it, hear from other teachers that use Tassomai.

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