Students… Welcome to Tassomai!

Tassomai is an award-winning learning program designed to help you study more effectively and get great results in your exams!

Our app’s intelligent algorithm organises your learning and revision and helps build up your core subject knowledge.

Exam-board specific content for science, maths, English & more!
✔ Proven impact on attainment at GCSE
24/7 help from Mai, an amazing AI-powered tutor!
✔ Over 2 billion quiz questions answered!


Tassomai has helped 1000s of students get top GCSE grades!

“Honestly need to say hands down thank you so much @Tassomai. There is no way on earth I did as well as I did in triple science without this app!”

“I always got 5s and 6s but you helped me get an overall 8-8, I’m super happy.”


Take a look through some Tassomai quiz questions

Tassomai’s adaptive learning program is the ideal way to help you prepare for GCSEs and other exams.

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Learn more!

Tassomai is built around multiple-choice quizzes which teach as well as test, alongside short targeted videos and links to external resources like BBC Bitesize. The program is used in schools across England and Wales and it’s also bought by private subscribing families.

Watch the short videos below to find out more about Tassomai its impact.


Find out how Tassomai works:

Watch this explainer video to find out what Tassomai is, how it works and why it will help you get better grades!


Watch a Tassomai tutorial video:

As well as quizzes, Tassomai also includes short videos, shown to you if our algorithm sees that you need help with a specific topic.

Discover the Tassomai Tree:

When you use Tassomai you can watch your knowledge and understanding grow, via a feature called the Tree.


Hear from a teacher:

A Year 11 teacher who uses Tassomai in her school shares how it helped her student get much higher grades than expected!

Free learning resources for all students!

All students, regardless of whether their schools or families have signed up to Tassomai, can join our free “Live Lesson” revision sessions, or access our library of 100+ short tutorial videos on our YouTube channel.

You can also read our free “GCSE Survival Guide for Students” here!

The science behind successful learning and revision…

It’s why Tassomai works!

Researchers into revision and learning techniques found the best way to study and get knowledge to stick is:

  • Work for concentrated short bursts

  • Regularly test yourself

  • Frequently switch between topics

Tassomai is designed to help you do all of these things, and it encourages you to work “little and often” spreading your learning across the academic year.

This video from science teacher and YouTube revision expert Kit Betts-Masters goes into the science behind effective revision.

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Getting started with Tassomai

You may already get Tassomai for free through your school, if so your teachers will get you up and running at the right time.

If you don’t get Tassomai through your school, speak to your science, maths, English, history, geography or computer-science teachers as they might want to set up access for the school.

Families can also set upprivate subscriptions’, and this involves parents paying month-by-month.

Our private subscribers get to trial Tassomai for FREE for 7-days and have access to up to 10 different subjects for one monthly fee.

If you have any questions about Tassomai, you can email us at You can also follow us on social media, we’re on all the usual platforms and links are in the footer below.

Tassomai analyses a subject and turns everything a learner needs to know into quiz questions that teach as well as test.